Quite beautiful, and old.

The crown stands on the village square of Hittisau like an old lady with style and charm. The spirit of the crown is lively and open to new things – since it has existed, since 1838.

The crown loves quality and the good life. The old lady knows what it takes to arrive and linger well. To be inspired and just be there.

She does not provide for all this alone. The crown includes family, employees, friends, craftsmen and suppliers: A microcosm of people who like to work where they work.
act that value the good life and keep the crown young.

So, step inside and take a seat. You have arrived.

Being in the crown.

Be there. This is much more than being physically on site. Really being there can be felt: the thoughts come to rest, the senses are awake, one feels contentment in the now and is serene.

In the crown, there are many time-tested tools for this really-being-there:

The furniture is made with precision craftsmanship by craftsmen from the Bregenzerwald – a pleasure to sit, lie down and use.

The crown kitchen, which cooks with organic ingredients from the region, and thus served the good feeling of doing good to the body.

Tea time in the fireplace room where you can also just watch the fire crackling in the fireplace. Or have a relaxed conversation with other guests.

The sauna house in the garden, which is so beautiful that you can also really sweat in it.

The immediate surroundings, which invite to many things: to leisurely walks and to demanding hikes, cultural experiences, to cross-country skiing rounds, architectural tours, and to spontaneous encounters.

A house library with many interesting books as well as quality newspapers.

The crown family that cares for its guests and gives them time.

The wine cellar, where over 6,000 bottles of pleasure are stored.

The table tennis room for the ball exchange with the new acquaintances.

The night when you look up at the stars and feel vastness.

In addition, in the crown there are probably the most sympathetic guests in all of Middle Earth, a fine board game collection and otherwise a few tools for being real.

But we want to have a few little surprises up our sleeves for you….

Being in the crown. Be there. Your hotel in the Bregenzerwald.